About Us


At eCulture, we believe the beauty of any space represents the personality of its dwellers. We love to know our customers in-depth in order to conceptualize, ideate, and bring every design to reality. We believe in traditions and incorporate them into our innovations. Our projects exhibit unique artistic designs while providing smart functional solutions.
We deal in a variety of natural stones and artistic natural stone products that articulate a touch of our ancient culture and traditions. We offer a customized solution that provides expert design consultation, appropriate design management, and hassle-free execution that elegantly transforms your space.
With eCulture, we take our artistic journey online to make our products and services easily available while contributing in keeping our rich culture alive.

What does our logo say?

The logo is derived from the Shree Saraswati Yantram. Shree Saraswati is the Hindu Goddess of art, knowledge and truth. The three filled triangles in the logo symbolize these three aspects. Relating it to e Culture, they also stand for the three states of matter which are solid, liquid and gas. The entire universe is made of elements in these three states. These will also be the elements/materials utilized by e Culture to serve its purpose. These three triangles also in an abstract manner symbolize the initial letter ‘E’ of e culture.


The mystic meaning of Shree Saraswati Yantram

Shree Saraswati is the Goddess of 14 Vidya or sources of knowledge and 64 Kala or art forms. Therefore, she is also a goddess of creation and creativity. On another note, Shakti is represented by a triangle in Vedic culture. The real meaning of the word Shakti is skill. You may wonder why a skill is represented by a triangle. A skill is represented by a triangle because a skill requires perfect coordination between Mind, Body & Intellect and the 3 sides of a triangle represent the same. As you observe the picture closely, you may learn that multiple such triangles in the Yantra also form larger triangles. This indicates multiple smaller and related skills may lead to wider application and evolution of brain.